PyCon Namibia 2023

I am finally back in this beautiful country and meeting all these awesome people at PyCon Namibia!

Day 1

After a long flight that lasts more than 10 hours from London to Frankfurt and then Windhoek, I finally set foot in this beautiful country again! I was super tired but I cannot wait to meet everyone at the conference, so once I am done with everything at the airport, I head to the conference directly.

When I arrived, I was so happy to meet friends that I have not seen for 3 years. They are just having a tea break and were chilling by the pool. After registering, there is Juan-Luis’s workshop - he was teaching some beginners level Python.

Then it’s lunch, we are eating by the pool, the environment is very nice. I was a bit tired so I have not got many opportunities to talk to other conference attendees except Juan-Luis who was sitting next to me. Will try better tomorrow.

After lunch, I only stayed for a bit as I was so tired after the overnight flight. I went back to the hotel a bit earlier and then have our team meeting.

After resting for a bit, I went to have dinner and then a social drink with the speakers. We went back to the place where we performed at an open mic night back in 2019. However, this time there aren’t any open mics and we just chill and drink.

Day 2

Today is the day we have the Humble Data workshop. But before, there are talks that are related to starting a career in technology and the attendees are very keen to ask questions in the panel session.

During the breaks and lunchtime, we tried to help as many participants to get the workshop materials and Anaconda installer copied over to their computers and start installing Anaconda (if they have not got it installed yet). Then after lunch, we have the Humble Data workshop. My friend John is showing how to open Anaconda navigator and explored some of the tools that are offered in Anaconda distribution. In the meanwhile, I troubleshoot for some folks who have trouble installing.

Then we started, after a brief introduction, participants work in groups and they are all using Jupyter notebook to learn Python. The portion of participants, including the students, who are absolute beginners in Python is quite high. And most of them got through the first chapter of the workshop and learnt all the Python basics. We also had a fun quiz at the end and everyone was having a good time.

After that, the organisers invited the speakers for dinner to sample some local cuisine. On the menu, some food is unique in Namibia including Mopani (a type of worm) and Smily (goat head). I was loving it but for some speakers who are from Europe the best things for the night are spinach and fish.

Day 3

When I arrived at the conference, the talks in the morning has already started. So I just chilled with some organisers by the pool. After the coffee break in the morning, I attended a few talks.

After listening to the opening of John’s talk, I was summoned to the recruitment session to talk about Anaconda. We are not hiring in Namibia right now so I just briefly mention our company culture and that we support open-source projects.

After the recruitment session, I sat down to prepare my talk, it is right after lunch.

After my talk, there will be a workshop about Diátaxis documentation framework by Daniele. I have been to the workshop more than once, I am a big fan.

During the tea break, I was lucky to meet the chef that made us yummy cakes during the tea time. Some girls even ask her for her secret recipes.

After the tea break, there are a few more talks, then it is the lighting talk and the closing. Thank you so much to the organisers for the amazing conference! I hope I will be back once again in the future.

See some people that I met at PyCon Namibia:

After having a career as a Data Scientist and Developer Advocate, Cheuk dedicated her work to the open-source community. She has co-founded Humble Data, a beginner Python workshop that has been happening around the world. She has served the EuroPython Society board for two years and is now a fellow and director of the Python Software Foundation.